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Aiken Senior Life Services (ASLS) has established a process for resolving complaints of discrimination based on disability. Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability may file a complaint under this procedure. The Aiken Area Council on Aging (AACOA) Transportation Director or his/her designee shall be responsible for overseeing investigations and responses to complaints of discrimination based on disability. 

How to File a Complaint: 


Please complete an ADA Discrimination Complaint Form. Hard copies of the ADA Complaint Forms and the ADA Complaint Procedures are available at the offices of: 


Attn: Traci Trotter

Mobility Management & Billing Coordinator

1310 E. Pine Log Road

Aiken, SC 29803
803.648.5447 ext. 2340

ADA Complaint

Click here to download a copy of the ADA Discrimination Complaint Process and Form

Formulario De Queja De ADA

Haga clic aquí para descargar una copia del proceso y formulario de quejas por discriminación de la ADA

Complaints can be filed orally or in writing and should contain: 


  1. The name, address, and telephone number of the individual or representative filing the complaint; complaints filed on behalf of third parties must describe or identify the alleged victims of the discrimination. 

  2. An explanation of the alleged discrimination or denial of service. 

  3. The date the alleged violation(s) occurred. 

  4. Signature of the person filing a written complaint. 


Complaints may be submitted by mail, email, left at the front desk, or given over the telephone to a transit representative. If an ADA Discrimination Complaint is given over the telephone, it is important to be very detailed and speak clearly. Once all the information is provided orally for the complaint form an ASLS staff member-completed complaint form will be returned to the caller to ensure the accuracy of the caller’s complaint and gain a signature from the complainant. Please be aware this added step may create a delay in the submission of the finalized complaint form. 


Upon receipt of an ADA Discrimination Complaint: 


Within ten (10) business days ASLS will confirm the receipt of a written ADA Discrimination Complaint and let the complainant know the matter is being investigated. The ASLS Transportation Director will investigate the complaint and respond in writing within sixty (60) business days from receipt of the complaint. The response will set out a process for the resolution of the complaint. If the decision is no further action will be taken, the written response will state the reasons for such a decision. 


All individual ADA Discrimination complaints will be retained on file for at least one year and ASLS will maintain a summary of all complaints received for no less than five (5) years. Please note that a transit Contractor’s personnel files are confidential; therefore, specific information on disciplinary actions resulting from a complaint will not be divulged. 


How to Appeal: 


The complainant can appeal the decision in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. Appeals must be submitted to ASLS in writing within sixty (60) days of receipt of the resolution letter. All appeal requests will be date stamped to record the date the letter was received by ASLS. 


An appeal hearing will be conducted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the applicant’s written request. Applicants will be notified no later than 15 days after receipt of their original appeal request letter with the scheduled time and location for the appeal hearing. The appeal process must allow for complainants to present their case in-person and have the necessary support for their appeal.


Personnel other than the person who made the initial complaint decision must conduct the appeal process. An example is two or more of the following representatives may serve on the appeals panel: ASLS Executive Director, or his/her assigned representative, ASLS Human Services Dept. Director, or his/her assigned representative, Transportation Service Contractor representative. The appeals panel decision will be mailed to the complainant by letter within 30 days of the hearing. All appeal panel decisions will be final. 


Request for appeals should be directed to: 


Aiken Senior Life Services

Attn: Aimee Hanna, Executive Director 

1310 E. Pine Log Road

Aiken, SC 29803
803.648.5447 ext. 2230


The ADA Discrimination Process and Complaint Form are available in an accessible format, upon request. Please contact our office for assistance if you are hearing impaired or visually impaired.

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